+(91) 9814054996

84, Rana Garden, Bhai Lalo Ji Nagar,

LEHAR PUJA are the manufacturers of wide range of Electric Motors since 1957 being family business. LEHAR PUJA Electric Motors are designed by the Team of Highly Experts, having expertised in Electrical Engineering .

Salient Features

  •   Manufactured in Class F Insulation with Class B Temperature Control Limit.
  •   Highly engineered to run smoothly with abrupt load increase and voltage variation.
  •   Available both for Foot / Flange Mounting with Single Shaft Extension.
  •   Widely recognized for Quality and Performance.

Have You Any Question About Us?

Phone & Email: For Any Job Work related information, kindly contact us through ourEmail or you can also call us at this number
(+91) 81469-15851